International Tax Services

Today’s financial borders are as fluid as they are complex, and managing your international tax obligations efficiently and correctly is important. 

Armed with a global perspective as an expatriated US Citizen myself, and two decades of experience, we specialize in crafting personalized tax-efficient strategies that address the complexities of global investments and operations.

These services are limited to individuals and organizations with assets exceeding $50M.

I identify the issues, assemble the right team through our top-tier network and present you with integrated advice.

Whether you are an American investing abroad, a non-US citizen investing in the US, setting up an international structure, or engaging in cross-border transactions, we help you minimize taxes and stay compliant.

Our International Tax Services Include:

Cross-Border Tax Planning:

  • Optimized Investment Structures: We create tax-efficient structures for your international investments, ensuring compliance and minimizing liabilities across jurisdictions.
  • FIRPTA Compliance: For non-US investors, we navigate the complexities of the Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act, ensuring optimal tax handling of US real property investments.

Tax Compliance and Reporting:

  • CFC and PFIC Regulations: We manage the intricate compliance requirements for US persons with foreign corporations, helping you navigate Controlled Foreign Corporation and Passive Foreign Investment Company rules.
  • IRS Compliance: Our team ensures meticulous compliance with IRS regulations for foreign incomes, providing peace of mind and preventing costly penalties.

Expatriation Tax Services:

  • Pre-Expatriation Planning: We offer strategic guidance to minimize the tax implications of renouncing US citizenship or abandoning permanent residency, including handling the exit tax regime effectively.
  • Post-Expatriation Tax Management: Continued support to ensure that all tax obligations are met and future tax liabilities are minimized, following expatriation.

Why Choose Esquire Group?

  • International Tax Experts: With over two decades of experience, our experts possess unrivalled knowledge of international tax laws and strategies.
  • Personalized Attention: Every client’s situation is unique. We provide direct access to our seasoned tax advisors who tailor solutions to your specific circumstances.
  • Global Network: Our network of international tax professionals ensures that no matter where your business or investments lie, we can advise on the best strategies for your lifestyle and circumstances.

Secure Your Global Assets Understanding and managing the tax implications of multinational investments and assets can be daunting. Let Esquire Group alleviate the stress of global taxation and help you optimize your international tax strategies.

Contact us today, for a personalized consultation.