Wealth Protection

The true challenge is not making wealth but protecting your wealth legacy. With over two decades of experience, we specialize in protecting your wealth from taxes, legal disputes, and unforeseen claims, so it is secured for the next generation.

Our wealth protection strategies include:

Trusts and Foundations

Trusts and Foundations are used the world over by affluent families to safeguard their wealth for the next generation and beyond. Because they work.

They streamline estate planning, and enhance privacy by transferring assets out of your personal name into a managed structure which maintains the assets and provide benefits in the form of distributions to beneficiaries according to you wishes. 

These structures protect your assets from external threats and disputes and conceals ownership from public records, reducing the risk of legal challenges. They also simplify the transfer of your legacy without probate and offer tax efficiency in favorable jurisdictions. 

Learn about our Trusts and Foundations services.

Trusts and Foundations Playlist

Multinational Estate Planning

It is increasingly common for ultra-wealthy individuals and family members to have assets, business interests, and investments in several countries along with multiple citizenships and residencies too.

Securing your wealth in these circumstances is beyond the scope of standard Trust and Foundation packages designed for  a certain jurisdiction. Each country involved has its own laws that must be carefully considered when designing an estate plan. 

For clients needing bespoke Multinational Estate Planning, every solution is hand-crafted by me personally to maximize alignment with your unique global footprint, and ensure your wealth legacy is ultra-secure and private.

This is the flagship service we built our reputation on – see testimonials and case studies from dozens of satisfied customers whose multinational estates are well protected by dynasty or multi-generational trusts in the jurisdiction of their choosing.

Corporate Structuring

Owning assets in your own name is risky.

Say you own a rental property in your own name, and someone gets hurt and sues you, it puts ALL of your assets at risk. 

If, however, it is owned through a company, only the assets of the company will be at risk, all your other assets are safe because the risk is limited to that company. Having the company owned by a trust or foundation adds a further layer of protection for the assets. 

We can advise you on the best corporate structures for different situations and shepherd the legal process of setting them up, and complying with annual reporting obligations.

Why Choose Esquire Group?

  • Proven Expertise: Tested and effective solutions unchallenged for 20 years.
  • Personal Service: Direct access to seasoned advisors who understand the nuances of HNWI with diverse multinational interests.
  • Global perspective: We handle the complexities of multiple jurisdictions, ensuring your assets are safeguarded wherever they are located.

Protect what's yours, for generations to come