Prefer to listen than read? Tune in to Jimmy’s straight-talk podcasts about wealth protection for multinationals. At about 10 mins each, they get straight to the point.



How To Reduce Your Expatriation Exit Tax

Merely contemplating the decision to expatriate can be daunting. Understanding how to reduce (or potentially eliminate) your expatriation exit tax could be the deciding factor in whether or not you remain a US citizen or long-term resident. The permanent nature of the decision to expatriate or renounce US citizenship means it cannot be taken lightly.  […]

Why Should I Set Up a Trust or Foundation?

They say death and taxes are the only certainties in life. But under the right circumstances, a custom trust or foundation can negate one. It’s unsettling but planning for your own death won’t make it come any quicker. In my experience, most clients actually feel great relief after their trust or foundation is formed and […]

Dangers Of Tax Planning

Not long ago, it was rather easy to use Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs) and other arrangements to facilitate international transactions and obtain the desired tax outcome.  But times have changed.  The Economic Organization for Cooperation and Development (OECD) has achieved significant influence over the international tax system. They’ve convinced almost 100 countries to sign on […]

How To Receive Money From a Trust: Three Less-Traditional Strategies

Funding a trust or foundation can be scary. A primary concern often being, “how do I get money out so I can live as I desire?” It’s an understandable question and a critically important matter to get right.  A trust or foundation must be properly structured to achieve the asset protection and tax benefits you […]

Who Will Control My (Private) Trust After I Die?

A common concern for those looking to set up a trust or foundation is who will control it after their death. Poor planning can lead to trust or foundation assets being managed or distributed against the settler’s wishes. Thankfully, there’s a lot of flexibility in planning who will control your trust or foundation after your […]

Who can benefit from my trust?

Many people rightfully wonder who may be a beneficiary of a trust? Fortunately, the answer is relatively straight forward. In most jurisdictions, virtually anyone can be a beneficiary (family, friends, charities, corporations). Pets and animals may even be beneficiaries in some jurisdictions. Additionally, most jurisdictions allow you to add and remove beneficiaries over time (assuming […]